Meatless Monday

Meatless Monday

It’s the new year, and maybe you’ve decided you want to incorporate more sustainable choices in your day-to-day life. Well, 24 Savvy is here to help! One thing you can do is reduce or eliminate meat from your diet. If you’re a meat lover, this might sound like an impossible feat at first, but trust us, it’s easier than you think! 

You might be wondering though, “how does reducing or eliminating my meat consumption help the environment?” Here are some facts that might answer this question:

Fact 1

According to The New York Times, “the average American, by the way, consumes almost 215 pounds of meat per person per year.” This study by the journal Scientific Reports found that, “if everyone in the country reduced their consumption of beef, pork, and poultry by a quarter and substituted plant proteins, we’d save about 82 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year.” So as we mentioned above, you don’t need to become fully vegetarian in order to make an impact.

Fact 2

A study conducted by the journal Science found that more than 80% of farmland is used for livestock but it produces just 18% of food calories and 37% of protein. This means that reduction of meat consumption could lead to reduced farmland, which requires the destruction of wild areas for agriculture. By eating less meat, we can help prevent the destruction of natural habitats and, in turn, the extinction of wildlife. 

Fact 3

Humane Society International tells us that, “farming (animal and plant) accounts for about 70 percent of water used in the world today, up to 92 percent of freshwater, with nearly one-third of that related to animal farming and growing crops to feed to animals.” This is a pretty staggering number when we consider that nearly two-thirds of the global population experiences severe water scarcity at least one month per year. If we all reduced our meat consumption, we could help revert water resources to those people that desperately need it.

Fact 4

Similar to farming practices in the meat industry causing biodiversity loss in Fact 2, it also creates soil degradation through improper manure application, use of pesticides, and causing soil erosion. All of these things can be detrimental to a healthy environment and can even cause water pollution. A plant-based diet would decrease manure and lower fertilizer usage tremendously.

In addition to a diet with less meat being better for the environment, it is also better for your health. People who don’t eat meat generally eat fewer calories and less fat, weigh less, and have a lower risk of heart disease. Also, eating less meat (especially red meat) can help prevent death from heart disease, stroke or diabetes. Now there’s an additional incentive for you! 

So if you want to make a savvy sustainable choice, reduce the amount of meat in your diet! And you don’t have to become a vegan overnight to make an impact. 

Let us know your favorite meatless meal in the comments below!

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