All tagged zero waste

Savvy Skincare Essentials

Spring is right around the corner and we are looking forward to the blooming flowers and warmer weather. However, the harsh winter months can really take a toll on our skin. That’s why we turn to River Organics to make sure our skin is as healthy as possible in preparation for those cute spring and summer outfits we can’t wait to wear. You might be wondering, “what is it about this particular skincare line that is so savvy?” Well, we will tell you!

Waste Not, Want Not

What’s the best way to feel confident and savvy in the kitchen? To answer this question, we interviewed “Gastronaut" and chef, Bob Blumer, whose new cookbook Flavorbomb: A Rogue Guide to Making Everything Taste Better, is a unique take on taking food to the next level in a home kitchen environment. Bob is a master at making food taste good without playing by the rules, and in this book, he not only has some terrific recipes - but tons of tips, techniques and strategies to take food to the next level. Bob’s understanding about handling food in a savvy and sustainable way is perfect for making the most out of home cooking situations!