Loco for Local

Loco for Local

It’s no secret - the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted so many facets of life, and one of the hardest hit industries is tourism. According to the World Economic Forum, tourism accounts for 10% of the global GDP. With all of the restrictions that were, and continue to be, implemented, that means around 50 million jobs could be at risk! However, you can choose to be savvy both at home and when you start to travel again by supporting local businesses. By doing so, there are economic and social benefits for the community. Supporting local businesses also helps move the needle in the right direction for achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

We visited some local businesses during travels of our own (we like to practice what we preach), and a standout for us was a newly established art gallery called Arte en Playa. The owner, Sonia, was knowledgeable and friendly. She spoke about how tourism is an essential part of business and loosening restrictions will hopefully help keep the local economy afloat. After a long conversation, Sonia gifted a print of Banda Musical de mi Pueblo by Manuel Zardaín. 

"Banda Musical de mi Pueblo" by Manuel Zardaín

"Banda Musical de mi Pueblo" by Manuel Zardaín

We believe that being savvy isn’t just about saving $. It’s about continuous learning and making choices that don’t only benefit you, but also help all people. If you’d like to learn more about Manuel Zardaín and how you can support Arte en Playa, please leave a comment below or send us an email!

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