Feel Strongly About Helping Abandoned and Neglected Animals? Here Are Some Suggestions,

Feel Strongly About Helping Abandoned and Neglected Animals? Here Are Some Suggestions,

Animal abandonment, neglect, and outright abuse have become rampant problems. Six million animals enter shelters across the US yearly, reports Petpedia.co – many due to not being looked after enough or being completely abandoned by their owners. While animal welfare groups try to save some, countless (625,000 in 2019) end up euthanized.  

Needless to say, this is a sorry state of affairs. Animals aren’t looking to harm anyone. They deserve, if not to be actively and lovingly cared for, then at least to be happy, free, and maybe left to their own devices. Human interference doesn’t always do them any favors. They are suffering, through no fault of their own.  

Can you really make a difference? Yes, you can. Presented below by 24 Savvy, here’s some practical resources and suggestions on how you could help neglected or abandoned pets in your vicinity, in ways small and big.   

Help support groups in various ways  

There are many animal-welfare groups out there that help animals in various ways, from providing shelter and food to medication and placing assistance. For instance, you could donate your time, money, or expertise (if applicable) to an animal rescue organization that is committed to the rescue and rehoming of needy and neglected animals.  

Start a fundraiser 

Many people care about animals – and also don’t mind giving some of their money to the cause. Starting a fundraiser can help you raise money, put you in touch with other people who care, and also directly fund an animal-related cause you care about. You can do it online or informally by yourself offline. 

Report animal abuse  

Have you noticed a mistreated animal lately? It could be a horse you pass on the walk to work that keeps getting thinner every time you see it, or a constantly whining dog that’s constantly chained to your neighbor’s fence. You can contact The Humane Society of the United States for such reports.  

Foster abandoned animals  

When you love animals but can’t own them long-term, fostering one is an excellent option. It’s taking care of the animal, short-term until you (or an agency) can place it in a loving home. Oftentimes, supporting agencies even help provide food and other necessities – you only contribute your time and energy. But if not, you can also help by purchasing some items to make their transition go smoother. For example, if you’re fostering a dog, a high-quality muzzle can help with training and behavior modifications. Look for a durable muzzle that’s the right size and fit.  

Be an animal-rights activist  

Animal-rights activists are people who advocate for animals. Their work involves raising awareness, attempting to institute animal-rights laws, and correcting legislation that may be hurting animals. They often speak in front of government bodies and create petitions to help institute some anti-cruelty laws.  

Form a nonprofit  

Forming a nonprofit is a very impactful way to make a difference. It comes with a lot of responsibility and a significant amount of work, but you get a lot of freedom in the way you can help. You can choose to support any single cause you care about or multiple ones (or found a brand-new one that doesn’t exist right now). Make sure to lay the groundwork if you choose this route – create a business plan, locate sources of funding, and become a pro at fundraising.   

Consult a resource that can guide you through helping animals  

The Animal Help Now organization offers a resource guide that’s a compilation of helpful resources relating to animal welfare in your locality. You can find general advice, emergency contact information, emergency kits, disaster information, and general guidance for almost any animal-welfare-related scenario under the sun.  


You may feel strongly about these forsaken animals and want things to change. In such cases, it’s important to step forward and do what you can for these animals. Things won’t change by themselves, and the world needs caring people like you to make a difference. Helping neglected or abandoned animals doesn’t have to be hard – you can contribute in ways small and big, whether you’re volunteering or starting a nonprofit. Everything you do matters (at the very least to the animal you’re helping). 

Image via Unsplash 

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