Savvy Summer Bod

Savvy Summer Bod

This time of year it feels like fitness tips are everywhere, showing us how to get the best beach bod. 24 Savvy is all about being realistic about health goals and we recognize everybody’s needs are different and diverse, just like all of us! But if you are looking to up your fitness game this summer (or anytime of the year for that matter), we have some tips for you that will help you keep that workout routine savvy and sustainable! Check them out below:

Say bye to the plastic water bottle

If you haven’t realized already, this one is super important here at 24 Savvy. In fact, we just shared many benefits of a filtered water bottle. Staying hydrated while exercising is super important, but it really can have a big impact when you forego that plastic water bottle and choose a reusable option instead. We love this Outdoor Collapsible Water Bottle from Inspire Uplift. It is so versatile - perfect for indoor gym workouts or outdoor excursions. Its portability and easy cleaning make it an A+ in our book! 


Prioritize meal prep

Meal prepping is basically an all-encompassing savvy thing to do. Not only does it allow you to meet your fitness goals by controlling the nutrients you provide your body, it also reduces the likelihood of “fast-food fixes” that can throw you off your game. But even more, prepping your meals and advance can save you money and save the environment by cutting back on food waste, single-use packaging, and utilizing less energy resources required to produce a meal. Oh, and did we mention it’ll save you time too? Check out these stainless steel food containers that will make your meal prep a plastic-free breeze.

Be selective about supplements

You don’t necessarily need supplements in order to attain or maintain your fitness goals, but if you choose to do so, not all supplements are created equal. From the packaging to the ingredients, it is important to do a bit of research before making your selections in order to choose the most sustainable options as possible. For example, many vitamin supplements are packaged in plastic containers. There are many options now though that come in plastic-free and compostable packaging. We love Vegums for all vitamin needs, including for kids! They are zero-waste, plastic-free, vegan, and a carbon negative company. 

Additionally, many powder forms have added fillers and unhealthy additives. Now there is almost a revolution going on in the supplement world, with more people than ever turning to plant-based alternatives that still provide the effects they are looking for. When we are looking for a powder to boost our performance, we turn to Form. Their vegan protein powder is versatile (add to water, bake in healthy snacks, add to shakes, etc.), packaged in a compostable pack, and effective. And you’ll feel even better about using their products because they also believe in making the world a better place. With every product purchased, they give a meal to a family in need via the Form Feeding Fund at Bansang Hospital in The Gambia. Now that’s what we think is savvy!

Get the right gear

Choosing the proper clothing isn’t just important to keep you comfortable and safe during workouts, it also is important for the environment. The workout industry isn’t immune to the fast fashion trends that are so harmful to the environment (for more on fast fashion check out our Good Moods Only! article). So when choosing your attire, make sure you look for brands with sustainable materials and eco-friendly practices. We recommend NxTSTOP Apparel. They’re great from travel and workouts.  And now 24 Savvy readers can receive FREE shipping with a purchase of $40 with code SHIP40.

Embrace the outdoors

Want your workouts to save money and the environment? Then forgo the gym and simply head outdoors. It is free, not as monotonous, and doesn’t require the energy and electricity of air conditioners and machines in the gym. Plus fresh air, connecting with nature, and pretty scenery is proven to be good for your overall health (Autumn Equinox).


Use what you own

Instead of purchasing equipment that are likely made from plastics and other reusable materials, not to mention come in packaging that creates waste, try using what you already own around your house. A chair for tricep dips, water bottles for free weights, tennis balls for hand and forearm strength - you can get creative and fit simultaneously!

Give goals a purpose

This one is a great way to give back and stay motivated. There are many events now that you can participate in that raise money for environmental protection purposes. From running a marathon to showing your strength on obstacle courses, you can up your fitness game and give back.

Plogging anyone?

This one was new to us here at 24 Savvy, but we have to say be are *obsessed*. 

This activity originated in Sweden, and the idea is to combine your outdoor fitness activity (running, walking, hiking) with picking up litter along your way. “Plogging gives you a double bonus of an environmentally-conscious workout. Hiking, running, or walking are eco-friendly, and you leave the area where you exercised cleaner than how you found it” (

Do YOU have a favorite fitness routine that is also sustainability-focused? Let us know in the comments below! 

Keep it strong and savvy everyone! 💪

Photo by Alexandra Tran on Unsplash

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