Beautifully Savvy

Beautifully Savvy

By now you know that we are all about sustainability when it comes to our makeup. We recently shared about one of our favorite makeup brands - River Organics. However, we understand that not everyone might be able to access this specific brand for whatever reason. Which got us thinking - what are some basic things everyone can do to make their makeup routine more eco-friendly? After doing some research of our own, we’ve found some ideas to do just that and are sharing them with you now!

  1. Use up what you already have - If you have made the decision to switch over to a more sustainable makeup brand (Like River Organics), don’t just go ahead and throw out your old products. After all, that’s just creating unnecessary waste. You already have the old products, so you might as well use them!

  2. Shop Informed - Do your research before purchasing new products. You want to purchase items that have recyclable, refillable, and reusable packaging. Or even better, no packaging at all! Also, the type of ingredients that are in your products are important. If you need a good resource for understanding what ingredients are environmentally friendly, we recommend the EWG Database.

  3. Use Less - Simple yet impactful, using less products is an easy thing to implement to have less of an impact on the environment. Some ways in which to do that are using products that have multiple purposes (think an eyeshadow that doubles as a blush), avoid single-use products (eg. makeup wipes), or going one day a week without any makeup at all! After all, we think fresh faces are beautiful.

  4. Don’t leave water running - Just as when brushing our teeth, anytime your beauty routine requires water, such as washing your face, be sure to flip the faucet off when you’re not actively utilizing the water.

  5. Bring reusable shopping bags - When you are in the market for new products, don’t forget those reusable bags! This holds true for any shopping you are doing! :) 

We know these tips might seem simple, but trust us, they have an impact! You go protect the environment savvy human! 

Let us know what your favorite sustainable beauty routine trick is in the comments below!

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