Happy Hour But Make It Mock

Happy Hour But Make It Mock

The COVID-19 pandemic presented unexpected challenges across the world, and many turned to alcohol to deal with the stresses, anxieties, and fears we suddenly found ourselves having to face. According to a study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “adults during COVID-19 reported high levels of alcohol consumption, with those who reported high levels of impact from COVID-19 reporting significantly more alcohol.” In an effort to combat this unhealthy coping mechanism, we’ve seen more and more “mocktail” brands gain popularity on social media. If you are considering sobriety or simply want to cut back on your alcohol consumption, non-alcohol replacements are a tasty alternative and might make the transition easier. So we’ve rounded up our favorites, whether you’re a beer buff, cocktail connoisseur, or wine wiz, there is something out there for everyone!

Beer Alternatives

  • Athletic Brewing Co. Run Wild - IPA lovers will appreciate this non-alcoholic beer, which boasts a blend of five kinds of hops with a balance of bitterness and maltiness. Even more reason to love it is it won the 2020 World Beer Award gold medal and USA's Best Non-Alcoholic Beer in the World Beer Awards. 

  • Brooklyn Special Effects Hoppy Amber Non-Alcoholic Brew - as a local New Yorker, this is one of our all-time favorite non-alcoholic beers. According to the brewery, the delicious flavor without the addition of alcohol is achieved by a special fermentation method. We don’t know exactly what that means, we just know it’s tasty!

Wine Alternatives

  • TÖST Rosé - If you’re like us, you are clinging to the last remnants of summer with as many picnics in the park that we can manage to cram in. TÖST makes for the perfect non-alcoholic addition to send out the summer with. It is made from white tea, cranberry, and ginger and the bubbles will make you forget you’re not toasting with the real deal.

  • Jukes 6 - If you’re over the summer heat already and are more in a fall dinner party, red wine kind of mood, Jukes 6 is just the thing for you! According to this article by Insider.com, “the red wine mimic has a deep, slightly fruity, mostly spicy taste with a subtle earthiness that gives it that true wine feel.” We personally are huge red wine fans, and we would have this as an alternative with dinner any night. 

Spirits Alternatives

  • Seedlip - we love this company because they offer three different flavors, so you can shake up a variety of delicious tasting cocktails. Spice 94 is great for a mock spicy margarita, Grove 42 is perfect for gin and tonic fans, and Garden 108 makes works in any cocktail you’d sip at a garden party! 

  • Monday Gin - Monday Gin is definitely the darling non-alcoholic gin of social media, and for good reason. Its complex, aromatic blend of juniper, natural botanicals, citrus, and spices that satisfies like a classic London Dry, finishing with the familiar kick of your favorite spirit. 

Extra savvy bonus for the spirit alternatives - they are sugar AND calorie free! 

We think that the mocktail movement is amazing because now we can reduce our alcohol consumption without sacrificing the enjoyment of a tasty bevvie. Let us know your favorite mocktail! 


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