5 Reusable Items that Every Millennial Should Use

5 Reusable Items that Every Millennial Should Use

The rise of the socially conscious consumer is here, with millennials opting to buy more sustainable products than their predecessors. 72% of millennials are more likely to remain loyal to a brand that shares their ethical beliefs and practices which has contributed to this rise in sustainable preferences. The value of sustainable practices and products is expected to rise with the coming generations, giving way to so many reusable products in the marketplace. 

Especially in a world where inflation is on the rise, gas prices won’t stop getting higher, housing prices are skyrocketing, and so many other expenses previous generations didn’t have to worry about, it is more important than ever for millennials to try and save money wherever possible. 

So to all my millennial readers out there, here are my top reusable picks that will help you save money and your environmental footprint: 


Periods are the worst. No debate there. As women, we have to endure this suffering 12 times a year, spend money on pads and tampons, deal with leakages, maneuver PMS, and we still go about our days like everything is fine. Well, in order to ease the struggle of monthly periods, Diva Cups are changing the game. 

The average woman spends between $50-$100 every year on pads or tampons. Then when they are done, they are thrown in the wastebasket, contributing to the enormous amounts of landfill already in existence. The Diva Cup stops leaks, is reusable, you can wear it for up to 12 hours, and you can easily wash it in the sink. So ladies and anyone with periods, maybe it’s time to ditch the old tampons and try this sustainable alternative.


I know. “What? A washable paper backpack??” Okay hear me out: this backpack is AMAZING. It is made from “Supernatural Paper” from tree cellulose found in responsibly managed forests. It is bonded to create a natural improvement on traditional paper. So yeah, it’s waterproof.  Not only is this backpack eco-friendly, but its capacity to hold things like Mary Poppins’ bag. It seems like you can fit an endless amount in here! Take this backpack on the go, to the office, or on your travels and you’ll never need another one.


Image courtesy of cnet


Filtered water bottles are probably one of my favorite products in existence. Millennials, if you don’t have a reusable, filtered water bottle, it’s time you get one! Not only are they better for your health, but they are much better for the environment and your wallet. No more spending money for each plastic bottle and having to worry about if that bottle gets recycled or not. Embrace the convenience of fresh, crisp water from any tap with a filtered bottle. Trust me, try it once and you’ll never go back.


At the end of a long day it feels so good to wipe off all the makeup, do my skincare routine, snuggle up in my PJs and watch New Girl on Netflix. But sometimes I wear a lot of makeup, meaning it takes some extra time and cotton pads to get the job done. That is why I have replaced my cotton pads with these reusable, bamboo cotton rounds. They are designed to last for years, they are super absorbent, and my makeup comes off much cleaner and more efficiently. Just toss them in the wash with your regular load to clean them and use them again! With these cotton rounds, I have saved so much time during my nightly routine so I can spend more time in bed, sipping wine, while I laugh to New Girl.


Oh yes… I’m sure the meme of switching to reusable straws comes to your mind. So many of my friends can’t stand using the paper straws because they deteriorate in their drinks so fast. But the fact of the matter is, roughly 8 million straws end up in the ocean each year, with plastic straws being more prone to making their way into waterways. So what can you do instead? Opt for stainless steel straws that you can bring on the go. They are easy to clean too and dishwasher safe! 

Let’s continue this push to be more sustainably mindful. Gen Z is right behind us when it comes to embracing sustainable practices and products. Together we can save our wallets and improve the world for a better future. 

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