Sustainable Habits That Cost You Nothing

Sustainable Habits That Cost You Nothing

Although it might seem challenging, many households have been opting for more sustainable living practices. And contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be super rich to alter your lifestyle to a more sustainable one. By switching to a more sustainable lifestyle, you can do your part for the planet while also saving money in the long run. 

Money and sustainability go hand in hand so here are some practices you can adopt that cost you absolutely nothing:

  • Using what you already have


Okay, it’s tempting to buy the latest and greatest products on the market, but next time you feel that urge, take a second to consider if you already have something you can repurpose! For example, have some old glass jars? You can reuse them as various storage containers. Or repurpose an old bag you were going to replace as a produce or shopping bag. You can also reuse gift bags and tissue paper for future gifts, and use old scrap paper for crafts! You can easily get creative with your options.

  • Playing “dad”


You know how dads are always turning off the lights when no one is in the room or turning off A/C to save energy in the middle of a sweltering day? Well, maybe he was on to something. As an adult, I have been listening to my inner “dad” voice and saving energy wherever I can. Turning off lights not in use, unplugging appliances when I’m not using them, and taking colder or shorter showers have all become norms for me. And all of these don’t cost me a thing!

  • Use food scraps to grow new produce


This is one that I just recently started doing. Using old food scraps to grow new produce is a game changer. Not going to lie, I first saw this idea on Tik Tok with lettuce and so I had to try it. I have grown new heads of lettuce to include in my salads and sandwiches and I am working on regrowing a yellow onion and green onions currently!

If you’re interested in trying this check out this awesome article detailing how to grow your own food through food scraps!

Another way to repurpose your old food scraps is to make your own veggie broth or use them for compost if you already have a garden!

  • Upcycle


We’ve all heard of recycling, but there are many things in your home that you can upcycle too! Repurposing old furniture is a great way to utilize things you were planning on throwing away. That old, broken ladder can be repurposed into a bookshelf, or use that old ice tray as a desk supply organizer, or reuse outdated clothes as cleaning rags. This is another tip that you can get super creative with! Check out some cool ways to repurpose old furniture here

  • Use half the product you normally do


Another easy tip for ya! To extend the life of your products, use half of what you normally do. This can be applied to skincare products, hair products, cleaning products, paper products, etc. While this may not be feasible for everyone, at least try and decrease the amount of products you use at a time. Trust me it will help you save money on buying new products and limit waste!

To live a more sustainable lifestyle, you can see that it doesn’t take much to make at least somewhat of a difference. Even the smallest choices can make a difference and create a ripple when added up. Together we can continue to make sustainable choices for a better future. I also want to know, what sustainable practices do you implement that cost you nothing? Let me know in the comments!

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