The Incredible Benefits of a Filtered Water Bottle

The Incredible Benefits of a Filtered Water Bottle

Listen, I know it’s so easy to pick up a 24 pack of water bottles when getting your weekly grocery shopping done. I mean, it’s only like $5 a pack right? 

What many don’t realize is that buying packs of water bottles really adds up in the end. Did you know that the average household spends roughly $100 per person each year on bottled water? That is potential savings that could be used elsewhere! 

And that’s without mentioning the environmental effects of the billions of plastic water bottles every year. It is estimated that 80% of plastic water bottles purchased by Americans end up in landfills. That's the equivalent of about 60 million water bottles thrown away each DAY. 

There’s a more affordable and sustainable way to enjoy clean, refreshing water. That is why you should consider the benefits of a filtered water bottle. Here are some of the best reasons to treat yourself to the everyday convenience of fresh, crisp water without the lasting environmental impact or consistent hit to your wallet: 

  • No more worrying about safe, clean water

This is especially true if you live or are traveling in an area where the water quality isn’t up to par. A filtered water bottle will remove many microplastics and metals typically found in tap water. 

  • Still get that great tasting water

I don’t think anyone hates the taste of metally water more than I do. That’s why before my filtered water bottle, I would avoid drinking from the tap at all costs. But now that I have my filtered water bottle, I get that refreshing, pure taste with ease and wherever I want! 

  • YES to that convenience factor

Although it might not be the best tasting (in my opinion, of course), there’s no denying the convenience of tap water. I mean it’s so easy to grab your glass, turn on the tap, and gulp away. But with a filtered water bottle, you can easily fill your bottle throughout the day from any tap! Take your water bottle on the go and drink clean-tasting, contaminant-free water from anywhere. 

  • It can be Alkalizing

It’s also worth bringing up that store bought bottled water is usually devoid of many essential minerals. This means you’ll mostly be drinking water with a PH level of 7 when you should be striving for slightly alkaline water with a PH between 8-9. A filtered water bottle will leave those healthy minerals behind, improving metabolism, increasing energy and helping with digestion. 

  • Okay, saving money AND the environment?

Yeah, these two points were mentioned earlier but they are 100% worth mentioning again. Not only are you significantly reducing your environmental impact, but you are saving money! It might not seem like a lot when you buy a plastic water bottle here and there, but those costs can mount quickly over time. And with so many plastic bottles ending up in landfills every year, it’s best to do your part and limit your plastic consumption.

Alright, if this still wasn’t enough to convince you, then I urge you to get a filtered water bottle and try it yourself. Trust me it will only take a few days of drinking convenient, healthy, refreshing water before you hop on the filtered water bottle train too. 

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